Customer Testimonials

"TrueNorth Steel and Central Sandblast have partnered on a variety of complex commercial and industrial projects for more than 20 years. Through this time the Central Sandblast team have proven themselves as world class industry leaders providing customer centric product and services. It is very apparent that the Team at Central Sandblast is committed to each other and committed to their clients. On numerous occasions Central Sandblast has gone above and beyond to expedite project schedules while maintaining a high level of quality.

In simple terms the Team at Central Sandblast operate with a high level of integrity and do what they say! We look forward to many more successful projects with the team at Central Sandblast!"
Bryan Zingraf
TrueNorth Steel
"Central Sandblasting does a great job painting our ornamental railing and other miscellaneous steel projects. We work with many construction contractors throughout and Midwest and are happy we use Central. They provide detailed work and high quality products. Great customer service from start to finish with knowledgeable employees that specialize in industry standards. Will work with customers to ensure jobs are completed on time."
Troy Ess
ESS Brothers & Sons, Inc.